A database of hormones and their receptors
Peptide Hormone

Search Result - 1

HMRbase accession number10510
Swiss-prot Accession numberQ66Q82 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionBursicon precursor (Bursicon subunit alpha) (Cuticle-tanning hormone).
Source organismAnopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; Pterygota;Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Nematocera; Culicoidea; Culicidae;Anophelinae; Anopheles.
Subcellular locationSecreted protein (By similarity)
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Contains 1 CTCK (C-terminal cystine knot-like) domain.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionFinal heterodimeric neurohormone released at the end of the molting cycle, involved in the sclerotization (tanning) of the insect cuticle, melanization and wing spreading
Protein Length163 Amino acids
Molecular weight18067
References1   Robertson H.M., Honegger W.; "Anopheles gambiae bursicon gene is transspliced."; Submitted (AUG-2004) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
2  PubMed abstract 12364791
Domain NameN/A
Hormone NameBursicon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein140 Residues from position (24-163)
Gene ID5667449      
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated